Pregnancy Loss Groups

Experiencing pregnancy loss can lead to profound emotional distress, including grief, anxiety, and isolation. Studies have shown that Mindfulness practices can help manage stress and anxiety, develop self compassion and foster emotional resilience.

First Trimester Loss:

The Fertility Well-Being Series is a 6-week program provides evidence-based information, tools and practices to help move through the roller coaster of emotions while recovering from early pregnancy loss and once you are trying to conceive again. We discuss ways to meet the challenges you are facing with more gentleness through:

  • Stress management techniques
  • Self-care tools for well-being
  • Mindfulness-based strategies and practices
  • Ways to regulate challenging emotions

Classes are online with others who have a shared experience, creating a supportive environment of belonging through being together in community. The full group meets for 90min and there is an option to remain online with a subgroup for those who have experienced first trimester pregnancy loss to discuss ways of healing through grief.

Click here for full details with dates and registration.

Second & Third Trimester Loss:

There are no groups scheduled at this time. Stephanie offers 1:1 sessions via zoom to share tools and practices for supporting grief of this nature.  If you live in Victoria, another option is seeing her in clinic and to explore these discussions while receiving an acupuncture treatment as well.  Please email Stephanie to discuss –

“Giving your body and mind and heart space to just be is such a kindness at a time when you need it so much.”

Emma C, Program participant