Sexual Health
The pelvic floor muscles play an important role in our sexual health. If your pelvic floor muscles are overactive and tight you may experience pain with intercourse. If your pelvic floor muscles are weak or uncoordinated you may experience leakage or have trouble achieving orgasm. If you are experiencing dysfunction in your pelvic floor muscles you may be struggling to feel arousal and enjoyment with intercourse.
Symptoms related to sexual dysfunction include:
- Pain
- Difficulty with orgasm
- Erectile dysfunction
- Premature ejaculation
- Low libido
- Bladder leakage
Treatment: Your pelvic health physiotherapist can help to improve your sexual function by teaching you how to engage or relax your pelvic floor muscles, providing you with tools to calm your nervous system, discussing strategies to minimize symptoms, and suggesting a plan to help maintain a healthy and enjoyable sex life.